

At Hope City we believe that giving is a form of worship in which we honor God with our resources.  We encourage members of Hope City to live lives that are abundantly generous and sacrificial.  We believe in giving regularly, joyfully and sacrificially. By doing this, we not only strengthen our personal devotion to Christ, but we make the mission possible to restore lives and our community through the preaching and living out of the gospel. Thank you for your financial partnership as we work together in the mission.

As we go full force into 2025 there are a ton of amazing things going on in and around Hope City and some pretty amazing goals that we are asking people like you to partner with us in accomplishing.  Not just partnering with us but partnering with the Holy Spirit as He leads you.  Below is our quarter one goal that we are believing God to raise and we know that it’s possible so we want to challenge you to ask the Lord what you are able to give above your normal giving to go toward this first quarter goal for Hope City Global. Check out the details below:

Giving above is the same method as giving in the HC App.  It is through a company called “Subsplash”, to access your subsplash giving records or make any changes to your account, you can log in by clicking the user icon right above the giving section.
