“Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” (1 Cor. 10:31)
“All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful; all things are lawful for me, but not all things edify. Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.” (1 Cor. 10:23– 24)
At Hope City House of Prayer, we face unique etiquette challenges in our day- and-night prayer room, which draws many visitors each month from around the region. Different cultures, ministry backgrounds, styles of worship, and behavioral expectations converge in one small room.
It is our joy to serve the Body of Christ from around the world. We govern the prayer room from the principle of love and endeavor to exercise our Christian freedom in restraint for the good of others. As such, we limit the extent of personal freedoms in the prayer room so that everyone can enjoy the Lord, visitors and staff alike. We ask that you would honor these guidelines, so that together we would honor the Lord and each other as we worship in the prayer room.
- In order to maintain an atmosphere of prayer, please refrain from all conversations in the prayer room. Empty side rooms are available for short conversations. Otherwise, please hold all conversations in the foyer.
- Personal volume should not exceed the platform volume. When singing or praying, limit your volume so that it does not become a distraction to those around you.
- No food in the prayer room. No drinks except water; please use a container with a lid.
- When praying for the sick or doing any type of ministry that is initiated from the platform, we encourage you to stand in front of the person you are praying for.
- Please lay your hands only on their shoulders, arms, or head, and keep your hands still (no rubbing, please).
- For safety reasons, do not use any implements or props in worship (i.e. sticks, swords).
- Please do not play any musical instruments in the room (e.g. tambourines, shofars).
- Please clap only during times of congregational clapping.
- Bare feet are not permitted in the prayer room. Please keep your shoes on at all times.
- Do not put your feet on the chairs, including on the backs of the chairs.
- No running in the prayer room.
- During crowded prayer meetings, if you are going to be out of your seat for longer than 30 minutes, please take your belongings with you to make the space available for someone else.
- Do not lie down on the chairs.
- Parents, keep your children with you at all times in the prayer room. If it is difficult to maintain the protocol concerning space and volume mentioned above, you may use an open side room.
- Please do not sit in any closed-off sections unless you are accompanying children.
- Do not enter the fire exit/escape area behind the black tape in the front of the prayer room.
- Please do not use computers.
- Do not talk on your cell phone in the prayer room. Please silence your phone and any other electronic devices.
- Those wishing to do video recording need to have permission from the Hope City House of Prayer leadership.